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Our Twinkle Kye

I  am not supposed to post this yet because I was waiting for the rest of the photos and the videos so I can drop them in one go. But since it’s taking a little bit of time and I don’t want to risk my sister (whose disappointment in me I can already feel miles away) thinking I am being indifferent, I am ditching the irrelevant delay.
Ikay, you think I enjoy micromanaging and forcing you into nonsensical arguments? I don’t. you have no idea of the shame I feel after our stupid catfights. My mind becomes isolated by the nightmare that we could be enemies in the hereafter, and that haunts me. I prayed, so many times, for us to be reunited in Jannah as sisters for eternity, that our family do not ever get the chance to experience the heartbreak mentioned in the last half of Surah Abasa.
You think I underestimate your prudence, but you are mistaken. You are the brightest girl I know. The people either think we are very alike or completely different. I also believe in the latter. because you are so much better!!! I LOVE YOU MWAH! XD
O Allah! You have glorified my life by sending me the perfect sister. She is like an advance prize before I even get to do a grand good deed like saving the world. Bless her new journey in life and save her from all the sorrowful torments that couples get to experience in their marriage. In your name, ya Allah, guide them to an everlasting Sakinah (peace, serenity, tranquility,etc).

بارك الله لكما وبارك عليكما
وجمع بينكما في خير
